Antonin Gadal
The Work of a Man Inspired by the Spirit
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Two Spiritual Streams Meet

According to Antonin Gadal, tenth century Occitania was the predestined field for the meeting of the Christian stream of Bogomil origin – introduced into the West by the 'boulgres' salesmen (among them Paul the Armenian) – with the Pyrenean stream coming from Spain.

The Spanish stream was born during the first century on the eastern coasts of the Mediterranean. It became stronger in Alexandria when it connected with the Neoplatonism of Plotinus and Origen.

Then this spiritual current or 'Mani' reached North Africa with Marcos of Memphis, and Faustus of Mileve (opposed by Augustine, this deserter of Manicheism of which he could not penetrate the inner aspects).

Around 300, Marcos introduced it in Spain.

Priscillian, bishop of Avila, was its most ardent propagator and it reached Northern Europe.
It is the mysterious Vigilantius of Calagurris who transmitted it to Occitania around 400 A.D.

The ‘boulgres’ missionaries (Bogomils) from Bulgaria must have found the ‘Maneism’ – which we could also call ‘Johannine Christianity’ – already firmly implanted in Occitania for six centuries. These contacts with Bogomilism were, for the Cathars an important catalyst. Nicetas of Constantinople came to Occitania and contributed in organizing the Cathar priesthood.

Maneism, in its deepest essence, is prior to the dogmatic spirit of the Council of Nicea.
‘We can rightly consider the Maneism of Aquitaine – or Occitania – (later called Albigensianism) as a new development in Christianity and as its final fulfilment, its supreme and celestial refinement.’

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