Antonin Gadal
The Work of a Man Inspired by the Spirit
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 Who Is Antonin Gadal?  
 The Source  
 The Doctrine  
 Pyrenean Catharism  
   The First Origins  
   Dositheus and the Dositheans  
   Simon Magus  
   The Great River of the Spirit  
   A Christian Mystery  
   Who Is Christ?  
   The Gospels  
   Cathar Christianity  
   Specificity of Pyrenean Catharism  
   A Transcendant Christianity  
   Inspiration from Alexandria  
   Two Spiritual Streams Meet  
   The Paraclete, the Consoler  
   A 'Paracletian' Church  
   A Religion of the Spirit  
   The Great Revolution of the Gnosis  
 The Catharism and Its Origins  
 The Mystery of the Caves  
 The Grail in the Pyrenees  
 Grail, Cathars and Rosycross  
 Interesting Links  
Specificity of Pyrenean Catharism

There were Jewish Gnostics and Greek-Syrian Gnostics. The Pyrenean Cathars were related to the latter ones. They were Oriental Greeks and in its Indo-Greek nature, Catharism rejected Judaism, the Hebrew books, Moses’ violence, Jehovah’s thunder.

'God is Love'
They clearly set themselves apart from Persian Manichaeism, rejecting its dualism between Spirit and matter, its eternal evil, its remnants of Mazdaism.
Zoroaster is as foreign to them as Moses.

Pyrenean Catharism, anterior to the Christianity of the Council of Nicea, does not accept the Jewish books, nor the Judaizing gospels, nor the imperial Church symbols, nor the pagan pomp of the Roman theocracy.
It is rather related to Montanus, to Marcion, the first ‘Cathars' (140-199), to Novatius, to Novatian (the Cathar pope).

Gnostic, it differs from the other Gnostics since it leaves behind Aeons, Abraxas, diagrams, cabalistic numbers.

It distances itself from the Christian trunk by following the branch of John and forms a neo-Christianity with the highly fruitful idea of the Paraclete.

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